
The Mermaid Summer Camp Of Your Dreams at Weeki Wachee

mermaid summer camp

Learn To Be A Real Live Mermaid At Weeki Wachee Mermaid Summer Camp!

Hold your shell phone, because we are about to blow your mind! First of all, did you know that you can hang out with real, live mermaids?! Weeki Wachi Springs, located on the Gulf Coast of Florida, is a world-famous waterpark, where siren beauties have been performing regular underwater live mermaid shows for almost 70 years. But wait, it gets better. You can learn to be a mermaid too! It’s called Weeki Wachee Mermaid Camp, and it’s everything you could ever want from a summer camp.

I know. It’s a lot to take in. Just breathe through your gills and keep reading.

The generous mermaids of Weeki Wachee open up their schedules several times a year for Mermaid Camp. There are a few mermaid camps for kids, which you would expect, but what about the late-blooming mermaid? You know, the mermaids who got a college degree, maybe bought a house, started a career, AND THEN realized they were really truly mermaids? Hope is not lost. The Sirens of the Deep Mermaid Camp is for adults over the age of 30. Dreams don’t have deadlines if you just keep swimming.

What’s included in the Sirens of the Deep Mermaid Camp experience? Lunch, for one, because being a mermaid burns a lot of calories. Mermaids enrolled in Mermaid Camp learn all the underwater ballet moves used my the Weeki Wachee mermaids in their basic choreography. They will also get “a behind the scenes look at what it takes to put on an underwater show,” and learn about all the “responsibilities of being a mermaid.” What are the responsibilities of being a mermaid? We don’t know, but we want to learn! You had us hook, line and sinker at the words “mermaid camp.” Who even cares what happens there??? Take our money, take our freshwater pearls, whatever you want, just let us in!

How do you enroll in Mermaid Camp? Luckily for you, the 2017 dates were JUST ANNOUNCED on Weeki Wachee’s website. Click on over there, and call up a park ranger to register. The fee is $450; that’s dollars, not clams, which is frankly quite cheap for THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Let’s go!

Mermaid Camp is in only offered in Florida, so if you live out of state, you better start swimming so you make it in time. We bet some mermaid will let you crash in her oyster if you need a place to stay.

Will you sign up for Mermaid Camp? Tell us in the comments below.

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Need some mermaid accessories? Check out our Ultimate Mermaid Gift Guide!

(Images via Instagram)

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About the author

Laura von Holt, Fairy Boss Mother

Laura von Holt is the Fairy Boss Mother of Cinderly. Her goal in life is to lead the first fairy godmother empire, be the Lisa Frank of the Digital World, and make magic real for sparkle unicorns and boss ladies everywhere. A triple threat, Laura is a Pulitzer Prize contender, a Certified Fairyologist and a graduate of Weeki Wachee Sirens of the Deep mermaid camp. She writes romance novels under the pen name of Laura Lovely.


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