
Harry Potter Muggle Hottness

Hold on to your Sorting Hats!

Ring the alarm! We have a solid new Insta-Crush. Photographer and model Zachary Howell takes Harry Potter Maddness to new levels with this amazing series of portraits!

I mean get me a ticket for the next train leaving Platform 9 and 3/4’s. ??? And on the way I may need to stop at Ollivander’s for a few things of my very own. Wonder if Zach’s wand is anything like Harry Potter’s… 11 inches long, made of holly, with a phoenix feather as its core.

I mean if Zach truly was the next Harry Potter, even gay Dumbledore, would have to be escorted off the Hogwarts property for inappropriate jaw drops! I am sorry but for us, Cho Chang, we think you may have really missed out on a world of something special.

Sarah Hester Photography is like a gift that keeps giving. We are dying because on her instagram she’s tagged these as #dudeoir… which leaves us wondering if Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson approve?!?

Being an HP fanatic, Howell instantly recognized his likeness to The Boy Who Lived. She told Buzzfeed, “I started calling him ‘Harry’ because I could NOT remember his name. I jokingly asked if he would be willing to shoot a Harry Potter boudoir session and he was into the idea! We set up the shoot for a week later.”

About the author

Chief Executive Belieber

Based out of New York, Stoffel finds himself exploring his wanderlust frequently to garner inspiration. His travels have taken him to China, Laos, Taiwan, and Hawaii, which have all resulted in NYC exhibitions. Stoffel’s accomplished photography has also been featured in many outlets including the New York Times, Huffington Post, Vanity Fair, and Hawaiian Airlines Magazines.


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