Jeff Mindel’s photos will make you SWOON!!! Jeff is a a LA based lifestyle photographer and if you follow him on instagram, you’ll want to live his life of color! And a little tidbit, he’s married to Kelly Mindel, founder of Studio...
Tag - photography
Joanna Oakes Brings A French Eye to Disney World & The Magic Kingdom Every time we look at Johanna Oakes on Instagram, we want to book immediate passage to the Magic Kingdom. Hailing from Nice, France, Johanna definitely has an eye for...
Livestream Under Water With A Vero Beach Mermaid And Photographer Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Google Play and SoundCloud. Brandee...
Jessica Persaud puts the exclamation in photo finish! Need a little insta inspo? Just peek through Jessica’s fabulous photos, take notes, and...
Controversy alert! Was I serving so much mermaid realness that Vogue couldn’t print it? If you listened to the Mermaid Camp episode of Cinderly’s...