New Business Plan: Glitter Poo Pills
Recap: Last week, we were trying desperately to get into Uber’s Pool Pitch promotion so we could pitch an investor on an Uber ride. We are very sad to say that we never got an Uber, or an investor. But that hasn’t dampened our spirits at all!
This week, Luke discovered glitter pills on Etsy that are supposed to make you poop glitter. Luke got a lot of traffic when he wrote about them so now we are going to make glitter poo pills ourselves! It will be the real life version of our sparkle poo sticker!
Laura’s high for the week was that our sticker promotion got 10,000 downloads of the Cinderly Superemojis for iMessage! Thanks to Steve Young at Appmasters for his help. We superlike you, Steve!
Lesson learned: Always be ready to pitch, and put all the glitter in you out in to the world.
Founder Friday is a our weekly series where Cinderly’s co-founders, Fairy Boss Mother Laura von Holt and Chief Executive Belieber Luke Stoffel, chronicle the highs and lows of a startup run on sparkles.