Founder Friday

Founder Friday 9: Election Edition

We’re Voting For Poo!

Recap: Last week, we got into a demo day and put our glitter poo pills for sale on Etsy.

Because the promotion for our SuperEmoji sticker pack did so well, we decided put a new free sticker pack for iMessage up on the App Store. What’s this sticker pack full of? Sparkle Poo! Yes, we are very proud to give America a pack of animated sh!t. There’s sparkle poo, alien poo, sprinkle poo -a whole world of poo!

Our other high is that we had a great phone call with a very important brand, and it went great! Hooray! Laura did all hte talking, Luke did all the smiling. What a team! One more step up the ladder of success.

Our only low is that Laura has to go to Hawai’i for another wedding, and Luke can’t come with her. Sad!

Lesson learned: If you want to do business with someone, smile! And, if the world seems like a sh!tshow, give stickers away for free!

Founder Friday is a our weekly series where Cinderly’s co-founders, Fairy Boss Mother Laura von Holt and Chief Executive Belieber Luke Stoffel, chronicle the highs and lows of a startup run on sparkles.

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About the author


Cinderly is a magically fun tech company for the everyday unicorn. Touted as a "startup to watch," Cinderly is proud to be the most fun you can have on the inter-webs.


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