Let Love Shine On You Tonight With This Valentine’s Day Candle!
Light these candles in the still darkness of the night to ready you for a new romantic experience. Made with Sea Salt, Lotus Blossoms and the Essence of Chakra oils. This Valentine’s Day Candle is for sale on Etsy. They have been blessed Buddhist Monks in NYC, and are made with 100% Organic Soy. When lit, they release natural powers that heighten your spirit, and will open you up to receiving new love.
Conjuring the Spell:
Prepare yourself for the spell by clearing your area and your mind. Relax and hold the candle while visualizing the desired outcome as you send your energy from your hands into the candle. Focus all your energy on the results as you watch the candle burn for a period of time.
As you light the candle, visualize love coming to you as you, concentrate only on that thought. Repeat the simple spell three times:
Candle light candle bright
Flames of passion true love ignite
This bright embrace be mine
This warmth and welcome be thine
I call my love to me
I call my love to me
I call my love to me
So shall it be.
As the candle burns down, your love will have good thoughts of you and will want to be with you.
Relax, cast your spell, and think of the one you love running into your arms.
Allow your candle to burn out or extinguish it safely.
Love spells are magical, but they really can’t make someone love you if there’s not already at least a little spark there. What a love spell can do is open the channels of energy and the forces of nature to work on your behalf. To get the most out of any love spell, it’s best to ask for the universe to send the right person to you. This way you won’t waste your time and energy focusing on someone who might not care for you the way you want.
This Valentine’s Day Candle is now for sale on Etsy.