The Brad Pitt and Angelina Divorce: A Marriage Eclipsed
Welcome to Starscopes, wherein Cinderly’s Fairy Boss Mother interprets the movements of the stars and other celebrities and what it means for your personal horoscope.
These are uncertain times. The summer blockbuster box office takes went retrograde, and now two of Hollywood’s guiding lights have spun out of alignment. Gross injustices plague our planet, and with the end of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s marriage, it seems that perhaps even love is not real. Was love ever real? What splinters of moon rock and stardust can we cling to, now that Mr. and Mrs. Smith are no more?
Take shelter, all ye children of the world who were not adopted by the Angelina Jolie. I offer here what comfort there is to gather. This movement is too sudden to predict the effects for each sign, so I offer a general energy report for us all.
Mom and Dad still love you. Love is abundant and limitless. However, the duration of human relationships is finite. Some relationships end in this world, some carry over to the next. When a marriage eclipses, we may think of it as a black hole, consuming everything we knew to be true and good.
But eclipses also offer opportunities for perspective, for reflection. A reset, to do what we truly want, to let go of what structures no longer serve us.
Release the idea that you exist only in relation to the role you play in another’s life. You are more than wife, husband, sister, brother, parent, or child. Release the idea that how society says you “should” love is a prescription to follow. Break free. Mold your family and your bonds into structures that support one another. A house should not tear itself apart from the inside.
Fall out of love, if you must. Tattoo the new coordinates of your life on your your bicep. Today is the birthplace of the rest of your life.
Mom and Dad still love you.