Unicorn Food

5 Instagrammers to Follow If You’re Learning to Bake

baking inspirations

Dessert Lovers Are You Learning To Bake? Rejoice—and don’t forget to hit the follow button.

As if we needed an excuse to eat more cake. Learning to bake can be fun, and due to the rise in popularity of baking shows such as Cupcake Wars, Cake Boss, and The Great British Bake Off, many people are whipping out the fondant to re-create the sweet confections they see on TV or, at the very least, while scrolling through Instagram. Whether you’re an accomplished pastry chef, novice baker, or just a person who loves to salivate over beautiful images of decadent desserts, there’s something so addicting about an awe-inspiring Instagram feed of delicious baked goods photographed straight from the oven.

No-Bake Mermaid CheesecakeTry this No-Bake Mermaid Cheesecake

Of course, we can’t all be Martha Stewart, but we certainly can try our hand at learning to bake, thanks to these five Instagrammers who know their way around a few layered cakes and lattice pies. Ready to have your cake and eat it too? Preheat the oven, hit the follow button, and double tap on those dessert recipes—just don’t view these mouthwatering photos on an empty stomach.

For the best instagram classics try the Unicorn Cookbook!

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1.) @minimalistbaker

Minimalist Baker is the delicious result when you get recipes made with only one bowl and fewer than 10 ingredients. And did we mention that these recipes can be prepared in 30 minutes or less? That’s the baking parameters and philosophy behind Minimalist Baker, where Dana Shultz and her husband John create vegan comfort food. Yes, there is such a thing, as evidenced by the decadent goodies posted on their Instagram account, which vary from cookies and cakes to donuts and shortbread. When you’re craving something that doesn’t always require an oven or a pound of butter, look to their ‘gram. Although the baking duo isn’t from the South, every Southern woman can appreciate a few healthy and speedy treats to add to her snack lineup.

wednesday vibes ?✨ pink champagne cake recipe link in bio!

A post shared by beth branch (@bethcakesblog) on

2.) @bethcakesblog

Beth Branch is the self-proclaimed “Southern girl with a serious sweet tooth” behind Beth Cakes, where she offers up ridiculously delicious cakes, cocktails, and a ton of other tasty treats. The Birmingham-based blogger and University of Alabama grad showcases perfectly layered cakes that are almost too pretty to eat. But no matter how picture-perfect they look, the fact remains that they’re still meant to be devoured one scrumptious slice at a time.

3.) @thecakeblog

Every now and then an Insta account will make us literally want to snatch the food right from the screen. Enter The Cake Blog. Carrie Sellman’s jaw-dropping cakes and cupcakes are the epitome of an edible work of art. The Virginia native has the innate ability to turn an ordinary dessert into something extraordinary with carefully-placed decorations and expertly-applied icing and sugar flowers. We don’t have to imagine Sellman’s cakes are indulgent; we can tell just by looking at them. Deliberately teasing and decadent, it’ll be hard to resist licking the screen.

Ready for the weekend ✌?? [Custom Cutter] ? @vickiee_yo #cookiecutterkingdom

A post shared by 4000+ Cookie Cutters (@cookiecutterkingdom) on

4.) @cookiecutterkingdom

Where there is a cookie cutter there is a celebration. In the form of a cake, cupcake, cookie, cheese plate, empanada, ornament or something else. The cookie cutter is the behind-the-scenes creative magic. It may not always be recognized, but the impact it makes is unmistakable. We’re here to show you the power of a simple cookie cutter. There are few items in your home that can inspire creativity within the kitchen and beyond. We think the cookie cutter is one of those things.

We start with giving you more choices: 4,000+ cookie cutters. And make that boundless with our custom tool that allows you to make any shape into a cutter.

CookieCutterKingdom is your #1 source for cookie cutters. We’re also here for inspiration! To create a community where you can share your cooking/baking/making experiences and find new ideas to try out.

5.) @hellosweeties.tx
Erin Burton, wife, mother of one rambunctious toddler, and the face behind Hello Sweetie Confectionary.

She says: “As far back as I can remember, I’ve been an artist. From play dough to polymer clay, finger-paints to oil paints, over the years my creativity has spanned many different mediums. It only made sense that one day that creativity would become a career.”

Her delights on instagram are a must follow account!

For easy recipes to make these classics and more try the Easy To Bake Unicorn Cookbook on Amazon.

About the author


Cinderly is a magically fun tech company for the everyday unicorn. Touted as a "startup to watch," Cinderly is proud to be the most fun you can have on the inter-webs.


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