Unicorn Food

Unicorn Food Is No Match For This Mother Of The Year

This Mother Of The Year Makes Her Son’s Favorite Characters Into Unicorn Food Perfection!

Some guys have all the luck, and this Four-year-old boy named Jacob is a lucky one. His mother, Laleh Mohmedi, prepares his daily meals in shapes of all magnificgant ways, all resembling his favorite cartoon characters. We give her the Unicorn Food of the Year award for finding the BEST way to get her son to eat his vegetables!

Laleh gives us the 411 on how these creations started. She says at first “I turned my son’s spelt pancakes into a lion — he absolutely loved it and it progressed from there. He now tells me which characters he would like and I then research the character and think about what ingredients I can use to make the creation.”

“I make these creations around 2-3 times a week,” she says. “They don’t take much longer than making a normal fresh meal. To save time I prepare all the cold elements such as the features whilst the hot elements are cooking.” She posts all of her creations on her Instagram and usually includes the ingredients she uses the create the meal. Among her favorites are mashed potatoes, fruit, vegetables, grains, and beans.

But for more info checkout their website at Jacob’s Food Diaries.com!

Jacob’s Food Diaries is all about making healthy food fun! We try to avoid refined sugar, salt and food colourings using mainly vegetables and natural ingredients to dye our food.

About the author


Cinderly is a magically fun tech company for the everyday unicorn. Touted as a "startup to watch," Cinderly is proud to be the most fun you can have on the inter-webs.


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