
Little Sweet Karen Does Disney On Instagram

Little Sweet Karen

Grab your Minnie Mouse Ears and Hear This!

Little Sweet Karen will pull at you “hug” strings. You’ll want to hug that dog, those donuts and darnit, you’ll want to give Little Karen a squeeze too! She loves all things Disney and has the most Minnie-Mazing collection of Mouse ears you’ll ever find. We’re all envy and ecstatic when we see a new post from this little ball of sunshine and sweet. And she’s bff’s with some of our other fave instagrammers! Keep you eyes (and “ears”) on the look out for those photos when you scour her insta! (Don’t worry, we’ve also included one of her #dreamygirlgang photos below!) Also, be sure to check out her Little Sweet Thing Etsy page!


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Cinderly is a magically fun tech company for the everyday unicorn. Touted as a "startup to watch," Cinderly is proud to be the most fun you can have on the inter-webs.


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