Unicorn Food

Everyday Is Donut Day!

Donut Day
Mermaid with a Martini - cyndigryte.com

It’s Happy Hour in the Kingdom of Cinderly and I’ll have what she’s having…

Our current obsession here at Cinderly is DONUTS! (Isn’t it always?) And I couldn’t wait to share my sweet little cocktail treat today, the Strawberry Sprinkle Donut Dandy. I came up with this special sprinkle on National Donut Day. And since everyday is donut day, get mixing and #sipaway! Interested in more fun ideas? Check out our Unicorn Cookbook!

Named Best Kids Book of 2018 by Red Tricycle!

Strawberry Sprinkle Donut Dandy
2 oz Vodka
3 Strawberries
1 tsp Honey (you can pour a little more for extra sweetness or use Simple Syrup here ?)
⅓ Vanilla Bean (scrape the seeds)
Squeeze of Lemon
Garnish with Sprinkles

Place vodka, strawberries, honey, vanilla bean, lemon and ice into a blender and give it a good crush. Brush honey on the rim of your glass and dip into sprinkles for a colorful garnish. Pour your mixture into the glass and serve.

I shared this delicacy poolside in, of course, donut floaties no less. Find yourself a fab little floatie here. (Summer must-have!)

Mermaid with a Martini – cyndigryte.com

Here’s our friend, Jenn, modeling the Donut Dandy poolside with her mermaid-tastic hair! #swoon

Mermaid with a Martini – cyndigryte.com

Have fun in the summer sun and sparkle your drinks with sprinkles. Cheers!

What’s your favorite flavor of donut? Share below!

Splish Splash!

Join the Mermaid with a Martini for more tasty treats here.

About the author

Social Cinderella

Cyndi Gryte is a director of digital marketing and communications who has worked in the fashion, fitness and tech industries. She traveled nationwide and abroad slinging drinks and is getting back to bartending and entertaining by bringing you her favorite cocktails and more via her blog Mermaid with a Martini at cyndigryte.com ?


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