Nick Jonas Is Lost In The Desert With “Find You”
It’s Nick Jonas’s 25th Birthday and he’s never been better than this. Lost in the desert searching for love, Nick scores high notes with “Find You.” This gorgeous track and video are really putting Nick back in the spotlight. Trapped in the haze of a yellow sun, and a stunning azure sky Nick maybe lost in this video, but he certainly soars as he has stumbles onto something amazing. In conversation with Rolling Stone earlier this year, Jonas indicated that he wasn’t sure if his next project would even be a proper album.
“I think that in a lot of ways this is a setup to a greater body of work that’s still coming together, but also, for me, this is a single statement,” he said in June. Well let us hope for more of sounds like “Find You” cause if/when Jonas does release a proper album we will surely be in line to buy it.
The boy has come along way from his New Orleans style video to the dreamy desert scene, but we couldn’t be happier. And it’s worth noting that “Find You” is Jonas’ second single released this year, though it’s possible that some fans of the musician may not have heard the first. Back in May, the former Jonas Brother member dropped the poppy, club-ready hit “Remember I Told You,” which featured vocals from fellow pop singers Mike Posner and Anne-Marie. But the song failed to hit the top 100 entirely, which was surprising, given how popular Jonas has been in recent years.
Missing more Jonas brothers? Well You can also find Joe Jonas in Charlie XCX new music video “Boys.” And believe us you won’t be sorry you spent another 5 mins today looking at the stunning visuals in this star-studded pop song.