We Wore Tails To Chat With Mermen Who Made A Dudeoir Calendar To Raise Money for a Charity.
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This is a very special episode, where host Laura von Holt interviews Hasan Hai, president of the Newfoundland & Labrador Beard and Mustache Club– and he’s also a MerB’y – that’s a group of Canadian mermen who are raising money for charity with a “dudeoir” merman calendar. We know, it’s a lot to take in, and it’s all amazing. Over the past few weeks, videos and articles about the MerB’ys have gone viral, and we have been positively squealing at our computer each time we saw these burly mermen who look like they are having the most fun ever . Luckily, Hassan just happened to be in NYC, and so we invited him over so we could wear our mermaid tails and talk mermen, philanthropy, masculinity, body positivity living your best life and doing good, whether it’s with a mermaid tail, a moustache, or whatever quite literally floats your boat. Plus, Hasan answered some listener questions! This interview was super fun, and we have a video version of it on YouTube and at mermaid podcast.com, so you’ll definitely want to go there so you can see it, and buy the MerBy 2018 calendar. Of course.
Buy the MerB’ys 2018 calendar at http://www.nlbeardandmoustacheclub.com/.
Cinderly’s Mermaid Podcast is now accepting sponsors or partners! If you have a product or business that you think our very devoted listeners need to know about, email us at podcast@cinderly.com. We can wait to work together!
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Meet The MerB’ys In This Episode
Mermaid News Mentioned in this Episode
Read host Laura von Holt’s merman romance, KING OF THE SEA!
Spirit Horse NL – The charity that benefits from the MerB’ys 2018 calendar proceeds
Dale Jarvis Merman Folklore:
Newfoundland’s mermen are, unsurprisingly, the most handsome of the lot, often with black beards and hair. Mermen stories have been a small but persistent part of our storytelling traditions for generations.
One merman was encountered by a fisherman who was hand-lining by himself in a dory just off the Newfoundland shore. At noon he stopped fishing to eat his lunch, and much to his surprise, a merman started to climb into the boat. The fisherman tried to shoo it away with no success. He grabbed his fish gaff and bashed the visitor on the fingers, and the merman swam off in search of lunch somewhere else.
The mermen of yesteryear had a mixed reputation: kidnapping or seducing women, sinking ships, playing music, curing illnesses, lifting curses, and brewing potions. Today’s hirsute denizens of our rocky coastline seem to be a more laid-back species, but still curious, mischievous, always ready for lunch, and up for a good drink when they can find one. If you come across one of these rare fishy gentlemen, count yourself lucky!
Let’s play! Download Mermaid SeaQuest!
Mermaids Wanted!
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Images via Instagram, courtesy of Hasan Hai and the NLBMC.
Also check out our Summer of Mermaids.